We grow little more than 500 olive trees.
Our youngest plants are about 60 years old, the oldest have been here for more than a century.
Our olive groves are mixed and host some fruit trees too, as was common in the past. Such diversity helps pollination during blossoming.
The olive groves have natural lawn. Defense from diseases is done through traditional methods (monitoring traps for olive flies) and natural products.
About two thirds of the plants are of Leccino cultivar, while the others are a mix of local cultivars like Pòsola, Gentile, Intosso, Toccolana and more.
To pick our olives, we use manual tools and perforated baskets for air circulation.
The olives are brought to the olive mill at the end of each day and cold-pressed within a few hours.
In particulary adverse seasons we don't produce our extra-virgin olive oil.